We helped to develop a community-led regeneration plan for the South East Northumberland area. We did this with Wansbeck CVS based in Ashington, and NESEP, the social enterprise body for the North East of England.

The project began with mapping the assets that the area has, including local people, organisations and businesses with energy, ideas and commitment.  We then went on to produce the ‘New Horizons Action Plan‘ setting out a series of eight projects to support the area’s development from the bottom up. A link to the plan is here: https://www.northumberlandcva.org.uk/files/New_Horizons_Action_Plan_FINAL.pdf

This work will inform funding opportunities including the ‘Community Led Local Development’ strand of the new European programme for the North East of England.

One of the highlights was supporting voluntary and community engagement in the Blyth Tall Ships Regatta in 2016.

