In Autumn 2020, we were commissioned to help RWT write their next and final 5 year community plan.

Rudheath and Witton were granted £1 million to use over 10 years to make a ‘massive and lasting positive difference’ to the area. Now half way through, we’re working with the partnership, local stakeholders and members of the community to create a plan that will create a lasting legacy in the area.

So far, the Big Local project has seen good work towards its priorities, such as creating a network of volunteers, generating relationships between organisations and stimulating community involvement across demographics. We’re sure that these previous priorities and learnings will be invaluable in creating the plan going forward!

Big Local projects are resident led, with a focus on listening to the voices of local people to make decisions. Despite restrictions from the pandemic, we ensured that this remains a prime concern in crafting a plan for the next four years. This meant getting creative by moving meetings and interviews to telephone and video call formats so our plan is well informed by people who live and work in the area.

Naturally, our plan will account for social distancing restrictions and post lockdown life. In spite of this, we are happy to have produced a plan which meets the wishes of local stakeholders, and will hopefully leave a lasting legacy in the area. Download the final plan here:

