Greenmoor Big Local Project

Published by Tony Mullin on

Greenmoor Big Local Logo

Tony Mullin from Your Back Yard, and Rob Billson from New Routes, have been working together on a Big Local project,with the view to increase and improve activity provision in the Scholemoor and Lidgett Green (‘Greenmoor’) area of Bradford.

The main aims of the current feasibility study are to:

  • Identify a building, or space within a building, that could be used as a base for Big Local and their staff, and for the staff of any successor body e.g. a CIO
  • Ascertain the best way forward, e.g. to buy or lease the building, based on a cost-benefit analysis
  • Identify what services, functions, and activities a CIO/similar body, operating out of that building, could provide or commission, and how this could be funded

The key outcomes we’re hoping to achieve are:

  • Complete an audit of community buildings and facilities in the Greenmoor area
  • Conduct semi-structured interviews with stakeholders and stakeholder organisations (agreed by the Board)
  • Produce a short survey of community groups
  • Undertake an analysis of how other Big Locals have incorporated and/or taken on assets
  • Complete an audit of possible suitable buildings, or spaces within buildings
  • Produce a cost-benefit comparative analysis of those buildings (including options such as renting, buying or leasing a property)
  • Perform an analysis (based on current needs and activities) of what functions a CIO/similar organisation could provide
  • Hold an open day (or mini roadshow) to display the feedback from the research with recommendations and proposals

The key findings of the work that has been done by Tony and Rob so far are that:

  • Whilst there are some activities held in the larger centres such as Scholemoor Beacon and the Khidmat Centre, there appears to be a shortage of activities and facilities for younger people
  • There is a lot of provision of community services and activity, but it is very fragmented
  • Activities around welfare, advice, young people, and tutoring are being delivered by at least 3 different providers in the area
  • Unusually, for a Big Local area, there are quite a number of key stakeholder organisations, including 2 CIO’s, and thriving community centres
  • Relations between residents and partner organisations within the area seem quite positive
  • The relationship between parts of the Council and Big Local are not as positive. Given the importance of this relationship, we will be recommending ways of improving this in the final report
  • There is a lot of space available for community activities, and centres such as the Beacon Centre, the Community Room at the Mosque, and the Khidmat Centre are very busy. However, other facilities are underused, particularly during the day. Supply would appear to be outstripping demand
  • There are several different options for the location of an office for the Greenmoor CIO
  • One of the growing demands in the area appears to be around support for new immigrants and refugees, and a related need for translators

This is a very exciting project, and we look forward to updating you on our progress with it!



Categories: YBY News


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